A review by lelenita
Le dernier espoir by Erin Hunter


Ok. This is the first Warriors book I read for the first time because I stopped reading after The Forgotten Warrior.
This book was wonderful. And it was so intense. I started crying in the middle, even before the fight began, when I saw Firestar was that important in the prophecy. I used to not be a fan of his character but when I reread the entire series I realized I love him and he’s part of my childhood. So obviously, his death broke me into pieces.
And Hollyleaf’s death, oh my god. She’s my favorite character. I was so happy to see her again. And now she died and it broke me. Leafpool reaction broke my heart another time, and when Hollyleaf forgives her, oh I’m gonna cry again ! Hollyleaf died saving Ivypool, and I ship them, so it was even more emotional for me.

But let’s talk about everything before the fight. I loved Leafpool and Jayfeather relationship. They may be my favorite mother son relationship. I also loved Mothwing, I never loved her that much before, she was cool but that’s all, but now I really like her character.
About Lionblaze, I really don’t like him. He literally never think about what he’s doing and he’s always doing something stupid. Like, starting a fight for no reason and then let himself be hurt.

I loved what Hollyleaf said to Lionblaze about her past. She became so wise. And when Bluestar revelead Firestar was the fourth cat !! So intense.

Now back to the battle. I liked Crowfeather intervention. He didn’t regret anything. It was so emotional. And Yellowfang killing his son, again !! Wow. I’m so sad for Ferncloud and Mousefur, especially when Dustpelt saw Ferncloud is dead. And Longtail after Mousefur died !! But at least they’re back together, in Starclan.
The only thing I’m not fan of about the battle is not a lot of cats died, I mean they’re fighting the most dangerous cats ever and a lot of cats from the Dark Forest ran away ! But I spoiled myself and I saw some cats we loved died because of their wounds, we just don’t know it yet so I’m quite sad.

And, finally, Brambleclaw forgiving Squirrelflight, such an intense moment.

I rates every Warriors book 5 stars because they’re my fave, but this one deserves 10 stars at least. It was so good and it leaves me heartbroken, even if I’m writing this review a day before finishing it.