A review by vondav
The Adventure of the Neural Psychoses by Lois H. Gresh


The story continues after Holmes and Watson escaped the tentacle creatures and stopped the tram machine. Now the River Thames is not safe and there is a new craze in the slums of London. Appearing in the dens were Eshockers, a device to zap the willing participant with an electric shock
Holmes and Watson were still trying to battle the strange creatures and as things got more serious, Holmes had to user every part of his brain to understand the situation. Professor Moriarty played a bigger role and whilst he was not working against Holmes, he was using the situation for his own monetary gains. The scenes in the Whitechapel Lunatic Asylum showed just how bad Victorian asylums were. The proprietor of the asylum Dr Reginald Sinclair and the inventor of the shocker was a character that I could not decide whether he was Dr trying to do the best for his patients or sadistic maniac. More was understood about Amelia Scarcliffe and I could understand why her back story in book 1 was important
The story flowed a lot more smoothly and because of what was going on made the story easy to get into. It was full of action and the death scenes were gruesome and graphic, just what I like. The back stories in the book helped you understand how serious the situation was, whether it was in Whitechapel or Half Moon Bay. The only thing that got on my nerves was Willie Jacobs and his nose jabbing and I just wanted to chop off his hands. The author yet again nailed Holmes and Watson’s personality and there were times that you could see how much Holmes needed Watson. Some people may find the scenes with the animals disturbing but it was relevant to the story. I cannot wait for the final book in this series and hope that Homes will get to battle the Cthulhu. This series just got better.