A review by queenofswordsandwords
The Hatter's Game: Part I by Cole McCade


2022 REREAD : this episode just breaks my heart. the rift between them just kills me, even tho I already know how things will turn out.

❝ And if there was one thing Malcom could never ignore, it was when Seong-Jae said no. ❞

there is something so precious about respecting someone's boundaries, weather it's something big or simple. we get a lot of romance heroes who will barge in when the love interest is pulling away and saying they want space. I really appreciate how Malcom never does that. He will ask, but he will always respect Seong-Jae's decision.

Seong-Jae not wearing Mal's racing jacket bc they are not talking is so significant and hurts so much more with later insight.