A review by twstdtink
Graduation Day by Joelle Charbonneau


Here's what I think happened... The author felt all the pressure of needing to end the book in a big way and decided to throw everything and anything she could at it. It gave me a headache to read. Characters behaved in ways that weren't normal - for them (as laid out in previous books) or for humans in general. What adult, and the President no less, would give the job of killing her enemies to a CHILD? And I love Cia's response to this request. You want me to trust your reasoning, blindly, and kill a dozen people? Oh, Ok. Also, is she super-human? How does she skate out of everything unscathed? Is it that magic bag she carries that conveniently houses everything she ever needs? Please get me one of those for Christmas. Ugh. Don't make me talk about this stupid book ever again. I only gave it two stars because the first book had promise.