A review by jordanbates91
The Truth About Him by M. O'Keefe


****4 of 5 Stars****

The Best Parts:

What I loved about this book the most was that when it started it didn't do a summary of what had happened, or even fast forward. Basically where the first book left off was where this one picked up. It allowed for a break, but not too much that you would forget what you were reading about. I have to say though, the way this book is written felt a little off from the first. I don't know if that was because the element of surprise was taken away since everyone knows who each other are now, or what.

The romance though was top notch. The sex was great because it gave and took without mercy, but then it made you question things, not even about the characters, but about the sex in general and just how important it was to them. Also the actual relationships between the characters, romantic or not, were phenomenal to read. You really connected with all of them.

The Worst Parts:

The only thing that truly bothered me while reading this book was the crypticness of everyone. There were so many secrets, especially with people who didn't like secrets. It felt like everyone was lying to each other, so when they hurt one another it just felt like they already had it coming.

Final Thoughts:

I love love loved this book, as well as the first. Granted these are my first O'Keefe novels I can't wait to read more! These books are able to give you a full cycle of romance with the closure that you need as well <3