A review by kaje_harper
In Too Deep by Kate Sherwood


I had read the short story that composes the middle of this book when it came out, but I don't think that detracted from my enjoyment. (There is an unexpected reveal in there, but it's not essential for it to be a surprise.) This is the story of Cade, son of unemployed alcoholic parents, who is determined not to be like them. He's going to hunker down and get through college no matter what it takes.

Aiden is the golden boy, from money and a loving home, a frat guy with no solid life plans. But he has a warm, open heart and he really wants to befriend Cade. And more.

I enjoyed the contrast between the guys. I loved some of Aiden's OTT antics as he tried to wedge a chink in Cade's solitary defensive wall. The back story worked for me. I did feel like the book ended too soon. There was a lot revealed over a short period, and saying "Oh, now that's all clear" didn't seem like enough to be a solid ending. I wanted the angst and ups and downs of really working past what should have been some lingering issues. Plus there were some real world consequences hinted at that might have been a hard thing to follow through with.
SpoilerWould Cade really out his past, to help some woman he doesn't know? What would be the consequences of that?
But it was, as always with this author, well written, enjoyable, with characters I cared about although not quite as deeply as some others of hers. (With Dan of [b:Dark Horse|8262408|Dark Horse (Dark Horse, #1)|Kate Sherwood|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348228294s/8262408.jpg|13110316] still the heart-ripping best.)