A review by elliefufu
Le tour de chauffe by Jaci Burton


One Sweet Ride, Play by Play #6, by Jaci Burton
Grade: B

“Can you die from a really great orgasm?”

Evelyn Hill has made her whole life about politics and has set everything, including her love life, to the side. Her new goal is to get Senator Preston a Vice President nomination and win the national race and she will do whatever it takes to get this accomplished even convincing the Senator’s estranged son, Gray Preston to help. Gray is not what Evelyn expected at all. Besides being a very successful race car driver, he’s sweet, funny and the sexiest man she’s ever laid eyes on. Evelyn knows what he job and goals are but she can’t stay away from Gray or out of his bed.

Gray Preston turned his back on his father and his money when he was eighteen years old and hasn’t looked back since. When the stunning Evelyn Hill asks for his help with his father’s newest campaign Gray brushes her off but he underestimated Evelyn and how much she loves her job. The more time he spends with her the more Gray realizes he might be mistaken about his father and his view on their relationship. Evelyn proves to not only heal the Preston family but to knock Gray off his feet. Now Gray must find a way to win her heart and keep her forever.

I love the Play by Play book so much and once again Jaci Burton has delivered a great addition to this sports/contemporary romance series. For some reason I hesitated to start One Sweet Ride and it sat on my nightstand for weeks while I read other books. I am now kicking myself for doing this and I wish I had read it sooner rather than later. I struggled a little through the last book and I think thats what had me hesitating but I should know by now that these books are just as great as the sexy covers they always have. Seriously best covers in romance hands down.

We met Gray in Thrown By a Curve and I was eager to see what would happen now that we are branching away from the Riley family and I was not disappointed. Gray can come off like a jerk a little but we soon learn he’s a secret romantic and I think he just needed the right woman to love and dote on. Enter Evelyn who I was afraid would let Gray walk all over her and then realized she’s a tiger waiting in disguise and that I should be more worried about Gray than her. I loved these two together and they have some pretty funny dialogue about Evelyn and her lack of bad girl teenage fun and screaming orgasms.

I like where the series is headed and I loved how the next two books were set up. We got to meet Carolina and Drew, who are up next, and Trevor and Haven. I can’t wait for Haven and Trevor’s story, mostly because haven’s father is terminally ill and I think this one will be a tear jerker in many ways. I loved seeing all the new characters interact with each other and they never took away from Gray and Evelyn’s romance.

Once again a great book by Mrs. Jaci Burton! The Play by Play series is always a must read and the books just keep getting better and better as the series goes on. Sad I have to wait for the next book but I know it will be worth it.