A review by hellsfire
Days of Infamy by Harry Turtledove


I love Harry Turtledove. While his book don't pack as much of an emotional punch, I do always find them interesting about what could happen. They seem to make a lot of sense. That said, I didn't quite enjoy Days of Infamy like his other series.

The main reason was that I didn't feel any sympathy towards any of the Japanese characters from the Axis. I've felt sympathy towards his German and Southern characters in his other works, but not here. I don't know if it was because of the way he portrayed them or the fact that they're all in the military.

I also didn't care for most of the stories involving the Allied side. They didn't seem to bring much and it didn't help that they kept losing.

I did enjoy reading about those characters who lived on the island like it's the surfer, the divorcee, or the Japanese guy and his two sons. I liked those guys. I wanted to read more about them because they felt more human and I did care about them.

I can't wait to read the next book to see how this goes or ends. I'm still not entirely sure how Japan could occupy Hawaii. That's a lot of resources for a small country that doesn't have resources and is fighting multiple fronts. I'm still not what sure Hawaii would get Japan except sugar cane and pineapple.

On a side note, there's another book called Days of Infamy dealing with the exact same thing that came out three years later. I'm not sure how that works or if it's any good, but I'll go with the Master of Alternate History any time, even if it's not one of his better works.