A review by a_reader_obsessed
Power Bottom? by Rowan McAllister


3.5 Stars

Please note - I feel the title of this book is a bit misleading. I almost didn’t mark it “to be read” solely because of it. If you think you’re gonna get some kind of bdsm, kinky story, you’re gonna be disappointed. And the MC as some empowered bottom? That isn’t or doesn’t happen either. What you will get instead, is an underdog kind of guy finding his worth with the helpful hand that only love can provide. I know, total schmaltzy sentiment right there, but it is what it is.

Poor Adrian has recently been given some horribly harsh “truths” by an ungrateful boyfriend. They break up and in order to rectify some semblance of pride, he finds himself back at a bar where a gorgeous hot biker had surprisingly hit on him. What ensues is some really nicely done smex as Adrian gets his groove back. Well… as much as an adorkable accountant with lots of self esteem issues can in a few short weeks.

Wyatt has a secretive past and is mostly always on the run. Of course, this prevents him from settling down anywhere for long. However, he can’t resist what Adrian’s offering, and instead of leaving it as a one night stand, Wyatt becomes addicted to the tenderhearted, caring guy who lets his inhibitions go. Mmmm hmmm.

The first half of this book was the evolution of Adrian and Wyatt’s relationship which I enjoyed immensely, and then it changes tone and direction where the romance takes a back seat a bit. It seems Wyatt’s past possibly catches up to him, while at the same time, Adrian finds himself possibly embroiled in illegal actions at his job. A perfect storm commences and things go haywire and life suddenly gets convoluted and scary. I admit I’m still a little vague on the details, but things are magically resolved, and love prevails with a well deserved happy ending.

So... expect wholly likeable characters. Adrian was easily relatable, simply wanting someone to equally care for him back. Wyatt was one confident, sexy beast who was kind and genuine. This was a sweet and smexy contemporary romance with a little cat and mouse suspense, made all the better by the excellent narration by Nick J. Russo. Overall, simply a satisfying read/listen!

Thank you to the author/publisher for the audio in exchange for a honest review