A review by allisonjpmiller
Celtic Christianity: Ecology and Holiness by William Parker Marsh, Christopher Bamford

This slight little anthology seems designed for folks who already have a base-level knowledge of the Celtic saints and Irish history—I could have used many more notes/footnotes to help me place each person mentioned in their proper historical context. Still lovely to have these stories and poems collected in one place. Found it used in an San Francisco bookshop years ago and snatched it up without even cracking it open as soon as I saw it was blurbed by Madeleine L'Engle and Owen Barfield. (Love learning that the poem used as a rite of protection in L'Engle's [b:A Swiftly Tilting Planet|77276|A Swiftly Tilting Planet (Time Quintet, #3)|Madeleine L'Engle|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327465278l/77276._SY75_.jpg|1196024] is, in fact, a variant of the ancient Lorica poem attributed to St. Patrick.)