A review by droar
Fly by Night by Tara O'Connor


Lovely art with a bit of a muddled story. I love the cryptid aspects and didn't hate the mystery in the first half, but the environmental story that seemed to be trying to tie things together just left me a bit sour.
Spoiler I'm glad O'Connor had the big bad actually Say that humans have their own evil and don't need to be possessed to led astray to do bad things for money, but it just felt very undercut by the fact that he was indeed a demon. I just am so frustrated by the need to make white dude villains actual demons/mythologically bad. I mean I totally get the desire to draw that line, but it feels like it's always giving an out for actual human cruelty. Humans in power do worst things than bulldozing swamps in pursuit of money everyday. In this particular instance it felt like O'Connor was trying to tie in the twin stuff but that would have only really worked if there had been more of a parallel between the two sets of twins. Like maybe Dee hated how weak her sister was and that's why she went to live with Dad, but through the events of the book learned to respect/love/understand her twin etc. As it is the twin demon peeps just felt like a weird & random sudden reveal for the sake of reveal and carried no emotional weight.