A review by alundeberg
The Orpheus Clock: The Search for My Family's Art Treasures Stolen by the Nazis by Simon Goodman


With books such as The Monuments Men and The Hare With the Amber Eyes that detail finding art looted by the Nazis, The Orpheus Clock shows what it is like as a Jew to get stolen family heirlooms back. Since the Nazis liked to give their nefarious deeds a sheen of legality to disguise their outright theft, this complicated matters as various governments, museums, colleges, and art collectors around the world could claim that the Jews "sold" their valuable pieces and therefore had no claim to them. Add to this mix current anti-Semitism, people who want to bury the past, and family drama, you have what amounts to a legal thriller all about art, heritage, and restitution.

Simon Goodman and his family were one of the first to begin the process of their family's artwork back and therefore paved the way for others. In his book, he provides a history of his family, their actions during the war, and their fates. The second half delineates how he and his brother went about bringing justice to their family. It is well-written and he does a good job of demystifying the legalities of each case. He also provides a reflection on why now? Why should he "muddy the waters" of the past-- shouldn't he move on?

Very interesting read and I highly recommend.