A review by magencorrie
These Broken Stars by Meagan Spooner, Amie Kaufman


5 stars!

My Thoughts:

All I can say about this book is that I was absolutely blown away by it! It was a very intense, entertaining, and emotionally gripping read. From the very first page to the last sentence I couldn’t get enough of it. I loved the characters, the settings, and the emotional aspect of it. All in all, These Broken Stars is another book that’ll always remain close to my heart!

Lets first talk about the cover. It is one of the most beautiful covers I have seen as of late! I love the combination of the colors and, of course, the beautiful pattern of stars. Then we have that breathtaking dress. And I have to mention the models; they are a perfect representation for the characters. I just have to say, this cover goes amazingly perfect for the book. I could stare at it forever.

I was at first unsure of this book, I really didn’t pay it much attention. That was until I had quite a few people say just how amazing it was, and after a good book friend of mine just raved about it. Oh, I knew I had to get my hands on it. Without a doubt, I wasn’t let down with this one. It wasn’t what I was expecting at all. The characters, the environment, the setting, and the pacing pretty much were wonderful, in my opinion.

I felt the pacing to move just right for me, yes, it does take a while for things to get started and about the middle of the book, it may seem to stall a bit. However, that never bothered me. I felt everything built at a great pace, and the built up of the conflict just to my liking. I love when books build slowly, to me, that makes the characters and their world just that more believable. The writing style was also just beautiful. I adored the flow and ebb of the words.

This is a very character driven book, and I have to say, I fall for both characters. Tarver and Lilac. Without a doubt, one of the greatest combination of characters I have come across. Lilac, the main female protagonist, definitely shows a few different sides of her throughout the book. I got to see the snobby spoiled side, the daring adventurous side, and the caring loving side. And though Lilac does come off a certain way at the beginning of the book, she is one of those characters that really just grows and develops. And she developed beautifully. I really liked that about her, and the strength and courage she showed following the calamity that took place.

And of course, a book like this cannot be without an amazingly hot male character. Tarver became my favorite character right from the start. Yes, he’s pretty darn swoony, but he is a deep character. Though unlike Lilac, right from the beginning you get a great feel for his character and who he is. He’s a very strong individual, and that was a major element for the book too. And him being an all-out sexy soldier didn’t hurt matters at all.

One of the aspects I enjoyed so much of this book was the growth, and interaction of Lilac and Tarver. Their relationship wasn’t one of the easiest ones. With lilac’s position and, of course, Tarver’s, conflict between them started right off the bat. But I enjoyed the tension between them. I loved that when they are first thrown together, all they did was piss each other off. But as the dangers of being on this strange planet take its toll, you really see them grow together, care for each other, and want to protect each other. Their relationship built just wonderful for me, and I loved watching it grow.

Now, the plot of this book isn’t what it seems. The planet they crash on is one full of danger, and a lot of mystery. I adored that mysterious piece in the book. I honesty couldn’t figure out the twists that kept popping up. They kept me on my noes to say the least. And then that added paranormal factor was a bit creepy, but again, I enjoyed it so much!

The ending of the book had me wishing that I had the next installment of this series. The ending left me wanting more and very curious as to what’s going to happen now for Tarver and Lilac. Though I never really get into sci-fi books, this one was phenomenal and blew me away. I fall for the characters, and I enjoyed being with them on their adventure.

These Broken Stars is a great romance, mystery, and epic sci-fi, book all rolled into one. I definitely recommend this one if you love a slow burn romance book, with mystery thrown in, a creepy factor added, and a tale of survival.