A review by hadashi1919
Breathless by Jessica Warman


This book is probably a 2.5 star book but I didn't like it enough to give it three stars. Katie is a girl who has a rough past. Her parents are detached and her brother is a schizophrenic. She gets shipped off to an elite boarding school. There was so much potential in all of these parts of Katie's life but not enough attention was paid to any of it. A lot of it was sort of brushed over. The book read more like a teenage girl's diary where for the most part nothing happened.

It also didn't help that none of the characters were deep nor were any of them particularly likable. Katie was "so perfect" (her words, not mine) that it was hard to feel sorry for her. She was great at school, great at swimming, and was pretty. Sure she had some issues but none of them (until what happens to her brother) were all that different from any other kids's issues. She dealt with boy issues, school issues, and friend issues. Her brother's illness did not really phase her past the beginning or the big thing that happens to him. Estella was so one note with her meanness. So much could have been explored about why she was how she was. Drew was a Christian but instead of being a positive force in Katie's life, he was just a stereotype of a judgmental, narrow minded Christian. The only character with any depth at all was Mazzie. She was mysterious and had many levels. Too bad the book was not about her instead.