A review by taegibee
Counting Stars by Keris Stainton


So, I liked that this was dealing with 18+ characters because I can't really connect with 16/17 year olds as much anymore because we have different anxieties. And anxiety is the thing I feel was missing from this book. Where were the down to earth conversations about money and 'what the heck am I going to do with my life??' ?

I think it's trivialising to portray the 18-21 lifestyle as getting drunk, partying and having sex. More often than not, the conversations I have with my friends are about the future (mostly reassuring each other that we have futures!) in terms of living situation, job security, five step plans (on a good day). Being in your early 20s is a stressful time because you're setting up your career, and it's when a lot of mistakes are made. Friendships and relationships (and having fun) are of course important, but I feel like 'Counting Stars' was lacking some of the depth I was expecting.

No one really had a breakdown over what they were doing, and my friends and I are using the crying emoji unironically at least once a month! So in the end, it was as difficult to connect to as reading about a high school student.