A review by booksnorkel
The Monster War by Alan Gratz


Archie Dent is a monster. A monster lives inside Archie Dent. A monster is tearing her way across the country turning ordinary people into twisted terrible creatures. Monsters are starting to wake, ancient beasts who have broken the world. A Monster War is brewing, and Archie Dent is one of seven people who can stop it, or at least contain it. With the last two members joining us the League of Seven is complete and they are ready to fight. A great book and honestly I hope this author keeps going with this series, I would love a transcontinental story where they go over to Europe. For those who read the first two and want to see how it ends.
I love this series and cannot wait to read the fourth book. I was able to get an advanced reader’s copy of this book through my work. I will try to give a summary without giving away too much.

Archie is moping, and only Mr. Rivets, a free robot, knows how to get him out of his funk and realize that the league of seven needs him. Philomena is on a warpath carving her way from one coast to another seeking revenge for her childhood. We finally get to meet the rest of the league of seven and how they all fit together as well as learn about the different types of people who live around this alternative history America.

Can these seven heroes fight an entire monster army? Will they be able to keep Archie from losing himself again? A great read, a very fun series, if you have read the other two you will really enjoy this one as well.