A review by j_j_max
The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde


(Disclaimer: I have not read the original, uncensored version.) I don’t think this was book was bad by any means, but it was just okay. There were horrifically boring parts (especially the beginning) that I found myself fighting to push through, but other parts I flew through with interest.

My biggest complaint for this novel is that there could’ve been more development over time of Dorian, instead of what seemed to be a switch being flipped on - not the most believable in my opinion. In addition, as another reviewer said, there’s reference to other events and people that we know nothing about. I think expansions on those would have helped with that character development I am struggling with.

Regardless, I think the themes of youth, beauty, and influence were easy to grasp and were a good discussion on them/impactful/applicable. Those themes just would have hit harder with more expansion. I also loved the hints of queerness throughout the novel, though as others have stated, the introduction kind of blue balled us with expectations.