A review by menastarr
Belle Morte by Bella Higgin


i was drawn in by the gorgeous front cover of this book and i do NOT regret judging this book by the cover. discovering that this book was first on wattpad really shocked me, because while it was that cheesy vampire romance trope we all love, it wasn't cringeworthy or corny, and honestly well-written. "belle morte" felt like everything "crave" by tracy wolff WANTED to be. as someone who grew up with the twilight saga, it's no surprise i ate this book up in a matter of a few days.

the friendships between jason, renie, and roux were positively precious to me. i can only hope that i find bonds as close and adventurous as they have when i start college this fall. i wasn't a HUGE fan of roux at the very beginning of the book, but i grew to love her by the end. she is an amazingly loyal friend that renie definitely deserved.

i think everyone will want a brooding french vampire boyfriend after reading "belle morte". edmond's canon appearance wasn't entirely what i envisioned in my head, but he's gorgeous either way. paranormal romance lovers, this book is right up your alley!!