A review by amberreadsalot
The Lady Knows Best by Susanna Craig


Susanna Craig's latest book, The Lady Knows Best, is a quick, easy, and fun read. The blurb, however, gets lots of details of the story wrong, The FMC, Daphne Burke, is searching for a way to distinguish herself from her seemingly more accomplished brothers and sisters. She cat walks her way into writing an advice column for a women's magazine, with her first column essentially advising the letter-writer to end her engagement. The dumped fiance turns out to be Miles, Viscount Devereaux, a consummate rake who has to marry by the end of the month to win a number of wagers - and to fulfill one hidden promise.

Miles does figure out Daphne is the source of his dumping and wants her to fix it. She is the one who proposes he marry her - for during their courtship she plans to learn all of his rakish ways and expose them in her next column. Of course, it does not unfold that way. Miles is a rake but he is also much much more, which Daphne comes to learn, and love.

As I said above, this is a fun read. The angst within it is self-created - there are no big and potentially violent intrigues happening here. Daphne does come across a little bit selfish and without the ability to play out the consequences of her actions and choices, but she certainly seems to learn her lesson in the end. Miles, too, has lessons to learn.

An enjoyable read - 4 stars, Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary ARC of this book, The opinions herein are my own.