A review by africanbookaddict
bone by Yrsa Daley-Ward


!!! https://africanbookaddict.com/2016/05/31/poetry-bone-teaching-my-mother-how-to-give-birth-ebooks/
Bone is a brilliant collection of poems. I preferred the long poems- they read like short stories and were packed with suspense and emotion. I loved how the long poems started and how the plot unfolds towards the middle of them. I wasn't really crazy about how some of the poems ended though.

Most of the poems were on death, sex, family, relationships and Christianity. She blends her West Indian (Jamaican) and West African (Nigerian) cultures beautifully in this collection, esp with her references.

There's a good poem called 'mental health' that was pretty encouraging. Some of my fave quotes were: 'Loving someone who hates themselves is a special kind of violence. A fight inside the bones. A war within the blood.' ;
'If you were married to yourself could you stay with yourself? My house would be frightening and wild'.

I really like her writing style- its simple and packed with feeling. I didn't expect the poems to be as healing as fellow poet - Nayyirah Waheed's work, but they definitely hit home and made me realize how difficult and different some peoples' lives are from mine... Eye-opening. Don't sleep on Ysra Daley-Ward.

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