A review by ifollowedthatrabbit
The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley


“The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.” – [a:Rabindranath Tagore|36913|Rabindranath Tagore|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1358583553p2/36913.jpg]

Do you believe in fate? Do you think two people can be destined to be together? How do you know you've met the "right" person?

Eva returns to Cornwall after 20 years to scatter her sister's ashes. (No, this is not a spoiler, because you can read it at the beginning of the book –in the very first sentence, in fact.)
She stays at her childhood friends' house (Mark and his sister Susan) --Trelowarth House, an ancient building placed on The Hill with a breathtaking view.

The first morning, Eva hears some male voices near her bedroom and she assumes that some workmen were repairing something at the house, though there weren’t any workmen at the house and the voices keep echoing near Eva’s room the following nights.
She starts wondering whether these voices are the product of her sorrow or a side effect of her sleeping pills. Moreover, the voices aren't the only odd event Eva has to deal with during those days at Trelowarth House...

Don't worry, I won’t continue writing about what happens next, otherwise this review would contain spoilers and that's something neither you nor I want (in case you haven't read the book yet).

Regarding the story itself, I must say that it reminded me a bit of [b:Mariana|961833|Mariana|Susanna Kearsley|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1330496361s/961833.jpg|1916770].
The characters were very likeable. And what can I say about the Butler brothers? Or about Fergal, Daniel Butler’s best friend? They are vividly depicted; therefore, I couldn’t but feel as I was there listening to them.
The settings were vividly described, as well; the clothes they wear, the smell of the food, the surroundings, the salty smell of the sea, and so on. I think Eva wasn’t the only one time traveling, because everytime Eva tells about Daniel’s and Fergal’s story I couldn’t help feeling I was in 1715 at Trelowarth House.

This is my sixth Susanna Kearley’s novel, and I’m glad I can read in english (this is just my foreign language; therefore, I apologize for any mistake I may have made in this review). Only one of her novels has been transalated into spanish: [b:The Winter Sea|3392089|The Winter Sea|Susanna Kearsley|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327880898s/3392089.jpg|3723657] , and this was the first of her novels that I read, though I did it in english. I can’t imagine reading the spanish translation of her Scottish characters’ dialogues!

Finally, if you’re looking for a bit of romance, historical fiction, and time travel, you should definitely read [b:The Rose Garden|9792287|The Rose Garden|Susanna Kearsley|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327951839s/9792287.jpg|14682378].