A review by julianaruthh
Earthbound by Aprilynne Pike



So, this book turned out better than I thought, considering the fact that the cover I have looks like an ad for mouthwash. Seriously, who decided that? Ugh. Anyways, I was at the bookstore earlier this week, and having made a poor attempt at reading that mush they call Rebels: City of Indra, I just gave up. So, I needed a new book, and I just so happened to be searching for a gift to give my friend for her birthday. We were about to leave when I discovered this gem hiding in the back of the shelves. The cover was so odd looking that I picked it up and looked at the description, and who should be the author but Aprilynne Pike! I fondly remember her series Wings, and remembering how much I loved them, I decided to give this one a shot. And trust me, I'm glad I did. I need more series so I constantly have an excuse to not read Bloodlines. (I have no interest in reading from Sydney's POV. She's as flat as the diet pepsi I left in my room for two months.)

Alright, so more on actual books and less on my issues with remembering to clean my room.

Overall, I'd rate it about a 2.75. It started out really good. I mean, a plane crash? Who doesn't love that? Probably people who have been in plane crashes, but that doesn't matter. After the first couple of chapters though, I kind of got bored. I mean, for serious, how many times have we seen the whole, 'oh here is my best guy friend and I think I might love him but OH MY GOSH look at this new mysterious guy I like him too, oh my life is so hard I don't want to make a choice.' About a trillion. And then Tavia went on to say some BS like, 'it was like friendship at first sight.' Are you for serious. I think I'm going to hurl, that is so cliche. Then her and Benson started like, making out or something and I was like seriously, we don't have time for this! Plus, I wanted her to be with Quinn. But, we all know how that happens, so obviously my dreams crashed and died. At least we have high hopes for Logan! You know, I'm really getting sick of all of this 'eternal lovers' shit. Mmmm mm, hon. It doesn't work that way. And am I the only one that got massive deja vu? Because this book was near exactly like Wings, what with the same kind of love triangle and MC. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Aprilynne's work, but her characters tend to be kind of flat, unrealistic, and un-relatable. I need a character that's not tall and skinny and brown hair with perfect skin and striking eyes for a change. I don't even have enough fingers and toes to name off all of the characters in YA fiction that are all exactly the same. I'm interested to see how this love triangle is going to play out, though. From patterns I've noticed in other books, and the one I'm writing myself- though it doesn't have a love triangle- writers don't usually tend to go with the male that the MC has 'known all their life' or 'been best friends for as long as they can remember' or, really, starts making out with within the first hundred pages or so. I mean, seriosuly! The only book that doesn't follow that pattern is the Grisha trilogy and that series was a disaster within itself. And the ending, oh the ending. With Benson's betrayal, and Tavia crying for about the millionth time, we see our protag set out on a journey to find Logan after blatantly stating she had no interest in him and that Benson and her love would be eternal about thirty pages earlier. She changed her mind so fast that I barely had time to process what was going on! One moment, she was dead set on OMG BENSON AND TAVIA 5EVER ASDFGHJKL; and then that just fell flat on its face. Legit, Tavia, how many times can you change your mind and start crying about your life problems in one chapter? Apparently, many. Very many. I know, I do complain a lot, but I did like this book, and I'm happy to say that I will be continuing with the series! I need more to read, anyways, and plus no matter how much I piss and moan, I'm excited. I know, doesn't seem like it, right? What can I say, I'm a picky reader.