A review by itsthereader_inme
Tired as F*ck: Burnout at the Hands of Diet, Self-Help, and Hustle Culture by Caroline Dooner


“We put so much pressure on ourselves to be successful and impressive that we never stop to wonder if it’s actually going to make us happy. We assume it will, but we’re ignoring the fact that success does no inherently make people happy. In fact, it just sets up even more expectation to continue living up to. We won’t be happy if our underlying dynamic is always to be impressive, no matter how impressive we become”.

How many of us feel this book is made for them? (Insert hand raise). We live in a culture where expectations are so high; expectations set by both internal and external standards. What is beauty? What is success? What is happiness.

Caroline Dooner is a hilarious and thoroughly enjoyable writer. This book is more of a memoir of her journey through dieting/food relationships, acting, and finding herself as opposed to a guide to finding your own peace of mind as a reader - but definitely an eye-opener! There was a very heavy focus on dieting/food, which I can personally relate to, but I was hoping for more of a focus on the pressures to be “successful” in our careers. I hope that as she continues her journey, she continues to share with us!