A review by readwithchloev
Dead Fine by Emma Smith


this was INSANE!!! dark, twisted, gory, heart-pounding…everything you’d want when you read a blurb like this one.

set in a dingy council estate, a toxic first-love, a hot, sticky summer and a dead body…it’s honestly such a vibe.

Lilz’s character development was really really good, I’ve never felt such anger/hatred/strong emotions towards book characters before!! I was SO conflicted on how I felt about Lilz especially - at some points she’s just not a pleasant person..but at others I felt so badly for her.

It just perfectly encapsulates what it’s like to be a teen in the UK, ESPECIALLY a small town, with the same people, same drama, same teenage problems…and then there’s a body added to the mix. Just SO good!! Will definitely be reading more from Emma ASAP.