A review by cleothegreat
From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death by Caitlin Doughty


‘ For his trouble in showing me around Barcelona, poor Jordi had been rewarded with multiple close encounters with the dead. As we ate what seemed like a fourteen-course dinner in the city, I inquired what the day had been like for him. He thought, and replied that “when your bills come due, you have to pay them. At my company, I pay my bills. Here at this restaurant, I pay my bill. It is the same with feelings. When the feelings come, the fear of death, I must feel those feelings. I must pay my bill. It is being alive.” ‘

i read this book in an attempt to educate myself on not only death practices around the world but to start to get comfortable with the idea of my own mortality. truly an amazing work !! deeply, deeply impactful