A review by danchibnall
Riding Toward Everywhere by William T. Vollmann


This was flat-out great Vollmann. He writes in such a way to make you think of evening-time, and of poetry. Every page made me think of riding on a train during the gloaming, the magic hour, and talking with a friend or two. There's a certain feeling of "nothing to do and I'm loving it" with every new chapter. It reminded me of the feeling I have when I'm on a plane and I'm neither here nor there. I'm everywhere.

The book is also sad though. Thoreau's "most men lead lives of quiet desperation" came to mind quite often while reading this. Vollmann lives in both worlds, trying to ride the line between the two.

Plus, the references to the poet Cold Mountain were incredible. I definitely have to get my hands on some of his stuff.