A review by alwaysbooking
Almost Just Friends by Jill Shalvis


5 blood is thicker than water stars!!

“Chin up, Princess, or the crown slips.”

This book was definitely not an normal HEA I would say it more leans toward women’s fiction with romance included. Piper starts out as a normal female protagonist character I enjoy, very sure of herself, can take care of anything that comes up doesn’t need any man. That is completely fine with me, however after reading the book for a couple chapters you realize that she has completely locked up all of her emotions while raising her younger siblings. I absolutely adored meeting her siblings and seeing their interactions. You could see how hard it was for her balancing being a sister and being in mom mode. Piper cares for everyone in this book not just her siblings, her neighbor, the people she works on as an EMT, she is a very compassionate person.

Cam coming to town was really when everything started to really open up, he seemed to be the real center for the whole family. Everyone seemed to be able to trust Cam and rely on him. Which for him was also an eye opener, even though he was already dependable because of his job. Now Cam was dependable for other reasons. Of course he was working through his own demons, but Piper seems to help him through that, he is trying to help her work through hers but family matters keep getting in the way.

I really loved everything about this book, the whole “broken” family coming together and learning how to be a family. The learning to lean on others, they all evolved not just the main characters, I loved all of the characters. I haven’t cried this hard about characters in a long while. Each chapter started with some really great one liners and I loved all of them. Jill Shalvis just continually knocks it out of the park for me and will always be an auto buy author.

Thank you to Jill Shalvis, NetGalley, and Harper Collins for my copy in lieu of my honest review..

Gavin’s heart tripped. “What?”

“I brought food.”

Gavin nearly collapsed in relief. “The way to my heart.”

“It’s the makings for taco’s”

Gavin felt the last little pieces of himself fall into place. “A love story in five words.”

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