A review by el_nation
The Dolphin People by Torsten Krol


Before I started reading The Dolphin People, someone told me it was the adult version of Lord of the Flies, and I'd have to agree. It's about a German family who crash lands in the middle of the Amazon and finds themselves taken in by an Amazonian tribe. It's told in the first person perspective of the oldest son and is takes place post World War 2. Straightaway you know there's going to be major conflicts in culture and customs and the author leaves you with enough foreshadowing that you basically know what's going to happen. What really keeps you reading throughout the story is finding out exactly when and how these things will happen.

I don't want to write much more about the story for fear of giving too much away. I will note that it's definitely an exciting read and a good twist on an adventure book. Once you get started, its hard to put down and ends up being pretty quick. There's a lot of pretty heavy issues that it deals with, like culture, racism, sexuality, drugs, religion . . . you name it, its probably in there. Its not enough to really evoke a lot of personal reflection, but definitely enough give you a bit of a shock. I would warn anyone that is squeamish against this book, but I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who's looking for something a little different.