A review by lyleelou11
Nightcrawling by Leila Mottley


It would be an injustice to give this book anything less than 5⭐️.

“Some days it feels like I’m stuck between mother and child. Some days it feels like I am nowhere.”

“This patio doesn’t feel so alien, because the sky has been my friend for as long as I can remember…most days I say I don’t believe in nothing, except something about the way the night colors everything, makes me want to.”

“Purple suit needs to stop, before he is all I can see. Before I want to bleed too, just so I don’t have to carry another death.”

“And the two of them are something, some miracle I was gifted in all this shit.”

“Even though I know a woman can be just as dangerous as the men…you find the ones who have scars painted into their skin like constellations, and you’ve got something better than the moon, better than anything.”

“‘Let it out…Nobody learns to walk when they got weights inside they bellies’.”

“‘Silence starves us child, feed yourself’.”

“I grab his cheeks in my hands…and stare at him like he is the only thing that exists in this world. He might as well be the only thing that exists in this world.”

“These courts are memorial, the only thing pausing for him, the only thing left in this whirlwind.”

“We are gasping and laughing and crying. And I don’t know if I’ve ever told her I love her, but I can’t stop saying it, because it has never meant this much. It has never filled my mouth like this, like the only flood I’ve ever wanted. She is saying it back again and again, and there has never been a truth like this one.”

“We both know that pretty soon, we’ll have to contend with what it means to have lost it all, and still have each other. To have lost a roof, and found a home.”