A review by emmascr
I Heart Christmas by Lindsey Kelk


This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews Firstly if you haven't read all of the I Heart books then, I am disappointed in you. I think you should go to your room with said books and I do not want to see you until you have read them.

This book was excellent. I have been super excited about this book since Lindsey first announced. For me reading an I heart book is like being with a friend you love but haven't seen for ages. Its excellent. Christmas is my absolute favourite time of year. The food, the music, the decorations... sorry I am easily distracted when it comes to Christmas. I am yet to spend a Christmas in New York but I will make it happen. after reading I heart Christmas  I am going to have to start putting those pennies away for next year. It sounds truly magical.

I love Angela. I have done since she first jumped on that plane and went to New York a sobbing mess and ended up under the wing of Ms Jenny Lopez. Sometimes I do wish she would talk to someone rather than bottling everything up and then ultimately exploding, but maybe that wouldn't make such an amazing book.

I was extremely jealous of all the chrismtassy things that the gang experienced. Christmas is still a little way away but I am so ready for it this year. well except for the presents. obviously.

Alex has to be the sweetest boyfriend/husband ever. As always he was fantastic when Angela has her meltdown. I loved his Christmas present to Angela.

It was great to see the gang altogether again Jenny, James, Louisa, Craig & Graham all joining in on the festivities. It was even great to have Cici back. A part of me really wants her to change...That could just be wishful thinking on my part though.

I thought this was an excellent addition to the I Heart Series and I hope it won't be the last. I will absolutely be using the guide in the back of the book when I finally get myself a NY Christmas.