A review by yvo_about_books
Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh


 Finished reading: June 1st 2023

"And that's the most frustrating thing about depression. It isn't always something you can fight back against with hope."

I confess that I hardly ever read graphic novels, but I needed one to help complete the Beat The Backlist Bingo challenge... I came across Hyperbole And A Half when I was browsing options, and I remembered that there was quite a hype around this memoir back when it came out. I've also seen the illustrations around, so I was curious to see what my reaction to this book would be. Overall, it turned out to be quite a positive experience. While I did enjoy some chapters more than others, and I though the spark got a little weaker towards the ending, I could really appreciate the honest take on depression and anxiety. Sure, there are quite a few funny moments, but this book also explores heavier topics including suicide. It was all well balanced out though, and there was also a healthy dose of dogs and even a battle with a goose. The illustrations themselves aren't exactly pretty, but somehow they work really well with the tone of the text. I can understand why so many people have mentioned Hyperbole And A Half over the years! 

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