A review by panicatthebookstore
This All Ends Horribly by Mike Salt


Having loved Mike's Linkville series, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to read this one, and I was not disappointed. It was a great extreme horror filled with gore and fear. If you like movies along the lines of One Missed Call or Friend Request, this one is definitely for you. 

I loved the QR codes at the beginning of every chapter. These all led to news articles, Facebook messages, Instagram posts, and podcasts, and it was a nice added touch. I particularly liked the Instagram videos from the beginning of chapter 12, because as I was watching them waiting for something to happen, my upstairs neighbour made a dropped something which made a loud noise and I'm pretty sure I'm now currently writing this from my grave. 

I also just wanted to thank @mike_salt for popping a random scary clown in there. One of my absolute worst fears, and now I am going to be checking under my bed tonight. So thank you and fuck you very much 😭😅😂