A review by alyciabaxter
Confess by A. Zavarelli


Lucian was preparing me for the world, trying to teach me all the things I never learned before he let me go. The problem was that now I was scared to fly. It terrified me more than anything, considering what my life would be like when things with him eventually came to an end. He told me he couldn’t love me, and I believed him. This wasn’t my fairy-tale ending, and I wasn’t deluded enough to even consider it, but it didn’t mean I was as good as protecting myself as he was.

If I don’t cry at least once during reading I truly did not like the book or grow attached to the characters. This was not the case in “Confess”. I cried probably in like every couple of chapters. I probably should have stopped reading because I was reading blurred words because of my tears. But I couldn’t stop reading. The relationship between Lucian and Gypsy isn’t a typical one but it’s one I started routing for. They’re both broken but together they learn to fix each other and support each other. Lucian has some messed up and non traditional ways of showing Gypsy he cares. If y’all haven’t read this book you NEED to! It’s so good.