A review by elusivity
Snake Agent by Liz Williams


3.5 STARS that I cannot justify rounding up to a 4

A typical Liz Williams work: solid world-building with interesting details, and good (even excellent) writing on a sentence-by-sentence, paragraph-by-paragraph basis. However.

She cannot create narrative tension for her life! Nor a real climax with an emotional "wowza!" that leaves you satisfied.

Herein are a myriad of story lines, of various levels of interest, involving a myriad of people. Each story, in and of itself, have the potential to fascinate. And the author chose to constantly inter-cut between them, snip, snip, thereby killing all sense of build-up and suspense. Just as things are STARTING to get good, snip, here comes some other meaningless segment in some other story. Now, if the snip came when things ARE good, that'd make for some fast page-turning... but not here.

Nevertheless, I recommend it for a casual read when you want to also relax your mind and meander off into the pale blue distance...