A review by thebritishbibliophile_
Thunder Moon by K.O. Newman, K.O. Newman, Mariah Thayer


'Magic, mayhem & more, Thunder Moon is the thrilling fifth instalment in a series which has been promising from the outset.' - TheBritishBibliophile_

Thank you to Mariah Thayer and K.O.Newman for sending me an ebook Advanced Readers Copy for me to read and leave an honest review, as a part of their ARC team.

Mardis Gras, Voodoo, soul food, New Orleans has it all. Now it has another great thing about it to add to the endless list, and that's Thunder Moon by Mariah Thayer and K.O.Newman. New Orleans is about to be taken by the handlebars by the BMRMC, and all that has followed them on their journey to the root of the plague upon their house, so to speak.

The story so far has taken us through four previous adventures, they are:

-Crow Moon (Crow & Hex)
-Pink Moon (Justice, Dom & Reno - MMF)
-Flower Moon (Poppy, Firestarter, Daemon & Gryphon - MFMM)
-Hot Moon (Ajax & Lash - MM)

and now Thunder Moon, a MFF/FFM supernaturally paranormal romance adding another two the BMRMC. We briefly met them at the end of Hot Moon, but here in this read is where they all got centre stage, and where we see them come into their own. A trio is formed.

So, who exactly are the trio I speak of? One, you have already met. Welcome back to Hellbore, our leading man this time around and with him is Cherry. Joining them, is Peach. Two delicious fruits for a hungry man with an insatiable appetite for all things sweet and juicy. As for the fruits themselves? Well they're more than happy to have their juices drunk. Nuff' said.

Hellbore, Cherry and Peach are joined by the rest of the BMRMC--and a few others--to try and get to the route of their ever-growing, unrelenting problem that has fallen upon their chapter. The end is in sight and is deliciously close, but things are far from over just yet. Their time in New Orleans has brought them closer to the conclusion and hopeful end to all their chasing across the country, perhaps allowing them to FINALLY put down roots and be a nomad chapter no more. Who knows. Anything is possible.

Including...spicy scenes!

If you've been reading either Mariah or K.O. for a while--or even for a little while--you'll know neither lady shies away from getting down into the deeper part of the 'down and dirty', when it comes to their spicy scenes. You know the ones I'm talking about. When the RV's a rockin', don't come a knockin'. Bravo to whichever lady wrote those scenes! Double if both had a hand in them at some point. Mariah & K.O. have yet failed to produce a less-than-spicy scene in any of the books in this series, but the ones in this novel have to be my personal favourites yet. Yes, I said favourites. Hellbore is not a one-and-done kind of man, I'll have you know.

Wham-bam-and wham-bam-thank-you-ma'ams again aside, what a character we have in Hellbore! Yes we're getting a badass biker we'll know and love, but we're also getting a gentleman in the same big black biker boots, too. His patience, understanding and determination make him one hell of a container for a BMRMC favourite man. Cherry is one for those readers--like myself--who takes a little more time to come out of her shell. Done at her own speed in her own time, once she's out of said shell, she's to be treasured and appreciated for the person she is, was and will be. As for Peach? A firecracker from the start. The extrovert of the bunch (to Cherry's introvert & Hellbore's ambivert natures), what you see is what you get and there's nothing standing in her way to protect those she loves, mates or not. A powerful trio if ever there was one, these three.

The plot quite literally thickens, here with Thunder Moon . We're not quite at the end of the adventure yet, so there was plenty of room to expand and explore all manner of possibilities of what could happen before the focus would shift to where we'd be moving on to next. New Orleans is known for its flair, unbridled magic and a deep outward reflection of all things voodoo and supernatural. What Mariah & K.O. do here with this story, is reflect those very things while combining it with their band of badass bikers and bitches to create a thrilling, passionate and hardcore entertaining story. Granted, I've only been to New Orleans for a week just over seven years ago, I can say this with my heart and soul as an outsider with an unbiased view of both the city, and the writing capabilities of both authors.

The BMRMC and the focus on Hellbore, Cherry and Peach in this novel was a read that was the very definition of 'entertaining'. In all honesty, I didn't want this chapter of the BMRMC journey to end so soon. I was having such a lovely time emerging myself back into the New Orleans scene through the visual picture Mariah & K.O. painted with their words, I didn't want to leave. This place truly captivated me the moment I stepped out into it the morning after I arrived, so I can't be more grateful to the authors for choosing this place as a stop on the journey to the climax of all climaxes.

And I can't wait to get there!

Brilliant job as always, you two. Thank you for putting what clearly is both of your hearts and souls into a read full of both.

Five stars!