A review by _bookdrag0n
Day 21 by Kass Morgan


I enjoyed this one, too.
unlike most of the opinions on here, I actually like that the book and TV show (which- newsflash- came AFTER the book, so quite boo-hooing over the fact that things are different in the book, when really it was the TV show that changed it) because it gives an alternate take on everything. I love Clarke and Bellamy together (not a fan of Finn in the show, but I've only seen 4 episodes so far)
if you like the show more than the book, that's fine, but good lord don't sit here and complain about it. the book was written first, and the author definitely isn't going to change her book because people like the changed Television version better. Finn was a made up character that didn't even exist to begin with, and Wells dies in the first few episodes. At least in the book he's there for more than a few chapters. Don't like it, don't read it. It's that simple.

had to get that off my chest.

overall I enjoyed it, though I do feel it's kind of a stretch that Clarke's parents are miraculously alive living on earth. and I will admit, it's kind of cheesy and cliché that
Spoiler Bellamy and Wells are half brothers

I did find myself frustrated when Clarke temporarily forgave Wells, but it didn't last long, so I got over it pretty quickly.

I personally like having Glass's story because it gives you a more personal insight to what is going on back up in the Colony while the others are on Earth. I thought her space walk to get back into phoenix was pretty neat, though it did have a huge Titanic feel to it.

I look forward to the next book