A review by rissasreading
The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer


2.6 - I decided to re-read this series after I found all the books in hardcover at a thrift store. I haven't read these since middle school but I still enjoy watching the movies every now and again. It's kind of a comfort series.

I didn't have as much fun as I'd hoped for re-visiting the series. I enjoyed Twilight and Breaking Dawn the most but New Moon and Eclipse were lacking for me.
My biggest complaint was that everyone but Bella (and Edward to an extent) were more interesting but we focus so much on Bella. I wanted more of what was going on outside of/around Bella instead of just focusing on what was directly happening to her. Particularly in Eclipse I felt that way.
This series could've been great but it wasn't. I enjoyed some of the movies more than I did the books (New Moon and Eclipse) but this was still enjoyable! Twilight is good to me and I can definitely see myself reading these again in the future haha.
I've been wanting to binge the movies ever since completing this series.