A review by jenwoodrum
The Lost Witch: A Novel by Paige Crutcher


There were some things I really liked about this book including the magic, Brigid's relationship with her daughter, and the side characters Finola and Ophelia.

What I enjoyed:

- A book that takes place on an island off the coast of Ireland? Sold! I loved the concept and premise. A witch that wakes up 100 years in the future with no memories? A lake with haunted creature? Loved it.

- The podcast was full of fun, witty banter. I always wanted more of it! Some parts made me chuckle.

- There were some truly beautiful and haunting images that will stay with me from this book. The author had some beautiful writing and did a great job of creating scenes that will stick with you.

What I didn't like as much:

- The plot meandered quite a bit, and there were periods in the middle that were hard to get through. Brigid's lack of memories seemed to make the story drag, and it was hard to feel connected to the characters. The plot picked up about 75% of the way through.

- This might just be me, but I thought some of the magical world-building was missing substance... Sometimes a new term, ability, or creature would pop up that I wasn't aware, and I maybe would have liked more explanation or background.

- I desperately wanted more plotline with Brigid's daughter Dove. I felt that this is what the whole story was about, and then we really only had a few short scenes with her. I would have LOVED more content there.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the author for an advanced review copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. I am posting my review here now and will post on my Bookstagram closer to the release date!