A review by abinthebooks
My Roommate Is a Vampire by Jenna Levine



This book was truly hilarious. Like so many laugh out loud moments, and funny awkward scenes. This is definitely what I would actually call a rom-com. However, I feel like My Roommate Is A Vampire didn’t have very much plot or build up between the two main characters. This story is pretty slow for only be 330-something pages, and the characters aren’t very fleshed out either. At the end I honestly started skimming because I was just bored of reading about every mundane thing these characters did.

You can’t really tell this book was previously a Reylo fanfic either unless you’ve actively been a Reylo fan/were in the Reylo fandom for an extended amount of time. The only reasons I could were because I did know before going into this book, but I also could detect some Reylo references because I was in the fandom a long time. However despite this not really reading like a fanfic, I still think this author’s writing has a long way to go before it becomes polished work. Jenna Levine definitely has the humor part down, but she desperately needs to work on relationship building. I didn’t feel much of anything for these characters the entire book, and although I found their interactions funny, I didn’t really think they had a whole lot of chemistry.

This isn’t a bad debut though, I just think this author needs more time to hone her craft: which is never a bad thing. If you don’t mind cheesy situations and writing, an abundance of pop culture references that do make sense with the story (I’m going to admit I brought down my rating from 3 to 2.75 bc this book seems to be team Angel and Spike is literally right there…) and tongue-in-cheek humor, you’ll probably really enjoy this, especially if you just need a good laugh. Personally for me though, I just needed more plot and build-up to fully enjoy this story.

2.75 stars

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Middle school me was an avid reylo stan and community member, so I will be reading.