A review by aritrow
A Fortunate Age by Joanna Rakoff


I was so very disappointed by this book, and it was a shame because it started out promising. It tells the story of a group of friends a few years out of college and basically it follow them through adulthood - getting married, having kids, etc.

That doesn't sound bad but the problem with the book was mainly with the telling of the story. Just when you start to get attached to a character, start to really want to learn more about that character, that character disappears, not to be seen for chapters on end, if at all. Some characters meet a guy and then get engaged/married to them for no discernible reason - they had never even been out on a date, why would you get engaged like that?! Other characters have flaws and you want to find out more about them because you can't, suddenly they're "fixed" and you're left wondering what exactly happened.

I honestly can't recommend this book to anyone, I was so very annoyed by it - and I'm very glad I checked it out from the library instead of spending money by purchasing it.