A review by cafeyre
Reaper of Souls by Rena Barron


Arrah always dreamed about having her gift of magic. However, when her dreams finally come true, she needs to pay a high price for them. After she finally defeated her sister, she is the last surviving witchdoctor. Together with her friends, she comes back home to pick up the shattered pieces of a family that betrayed her, and her secret identity that was buried long ago. Being back home isn’t easy since she is a daughter of a traitor. It’s not getting easier since the Demon King is closer now than she thinks.

Arrah desperately tries to fix what her mother destroyed. She comes back to the tribal lands to search for the survivors. However, the voice of the Demon King in her mind gets louder and louder. He shares with her the memories she lost. With his shadow in her mind, it’s hard for her to stay in control. She begins to understand that defeating him might be impossible.

Book Review:

To be honest, I wasn’t the biggest fan of the first book. I was really disappointed with this book, while I had very high expectations. However, this book surprised me by how much more interesting it was. I loved how the author connected Arrah’s story with the unnamed goddess. We finally had a chance to learn more about Dimma’s life and what she did that cost her losing her life and name. Moreover, Demon’s King story is finally explained and shows a completely different side of his character and his past.

I noticed a big improvement in Arrah’s character. In the last book, I was very annoyed by her. She was acting like an annoying kid that has only one goal in her life, to get power. I think that her growth can be connected to getting magic as she always dreamed of. However, receiving such a big amount of power has also its consequences and she felt it on her skin in a short time. She grows up to the responsibility of her people and she does everything to find the survivors of the tribe’s people. I think this is one of her characteristics I like the most. She never steps down when she knows that there is someone that needs her help. She gives herself to the case and there’s nothing that can stop her. Also, the fact that Arrah is the most powerful witch doctor is amazing. Every time she shows how powerful she is, I want to give her a standing ovation. Especially when she’s accompanied by Rodjek’s father. I still cannot stand him. I think he’s even worse in this book because he’s on the top.

As much as I liked Rodjek in the last book, I was a little bit disappointed with his part of the story in this book. Especially, that he finally got his point of view in the book. The storyline was pretty boring. However, I like the idea of anti-magic very much. Without it, his and Arrah’s relationship would be flat. This actually adds a little bit of newness to the story. It makes their relationship different from the others and I like it very much. I always liked a forbidden love tribe so I wasn’t disappointed when this was a case in this story.

What was also very well managed, were the scenes of the battles. I was very upset that so many people died, however, I’m glad that it happened. Thanks to it the scene was much more realistic since it’s not that often that everyone comes out of the battlefield alive or without a scratch. Especially, battle with blood-thirsty demons.
The ending is the thing I’m not sure how to feel about. It made me want to read the next book, however, it ended in a way that there should be at least one more chapter. The epilogue was amazing, but the last chapter should have at least 5 pages of continuation. I was confused that it ended this way but maybe it was a point. The epilogue had a great cliffhanger so it makes us wait for book three. I didn’t feel this way after the first book, so it’s an improvement.

idea of anti-magic very much. Without it, his and Arrah’s relationship would be flat. This actually adds a little bit of newness to the story. It makes their relationship different from the others and I like it very much. I always liked a forbidden love tribe so I wasn’t disappointed when this was a case in this story.

What was also very well managed, were the scenes of the battles. I was very upset that so many people died, however, I’m glad that it happened. Thanks to it the scene was much more realistic since it’s not that often that everyone comes out of the battlefield alive or without a scratch. Especially, battle with blood-thirsty demons.
The ending is the thing I’m not sure how to feel about. It made me want to read the next book, however, it ended in a way that there should be at least one more chapter. The epilogue was amazing, but the last chapter should have at least 5 pages of continuation. I was confused that it ended this way but maybe it was a point. The epilogue had a great cliffhanger so it makes us wait for book three. I didn’t feel this way after the first book, so it’s an improvement.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Rena Barron and Harper Voyager for providing me with this book! I can't wait to read book three! I think book was definitely a step up in the story and I can't wait to read more of Arrah's story!