A review by parttimebloggerbookgeek
Pleating for Mercy by Melissa Bourbon


Pleating For Mercy:
Pleating For mercy puts the cozy in cozy mystery, the plot is simple, as most cozy mysteries are, where this one stands out among it's brothers and sisters, are in the characters.
Harlow is warm, strong, confident, without being overly shallow, or cold to those around her or whiny. She comes across as a real person, you wouldn't mind having a drink with, someone you can and do root for.
Her Mama and Nana, are drawn in ways, that remind you of your own grandparents and parents with their little quirks.
Will Flores and his daughter Gracie, while not completely known, are engaging and seem to mesh into Harlow's life with ease, the attraction between Will and Harlow, seemed natural, not forced or stressful.
Overall it's a 3 to 4 story book, that offers both an easy read and a real escape.