A review by sarag19
Amber & Dusk by Lyra Selene


2.5 out of 5 Stars

I've really got to stop letting myself get dragged in by pretty covers. This book has a really good concept but I got a few chapters into it and realized that oh, its going to be one of those books. It makes a lot of promises but never really delivers on them.

I liked the plot that it tried to sell me, not the one that it ultimately delivered. It sells itself as deadly games and court intrigue but that never comes through. More of it is just following Mirage around as she forces her way from one scene to another. The plot never really flowed for me but I can't deny that the writing it really nice. There are some beautiful prose and descriptions of the world. The author has created a really interesting world and I found myself wishing that the book had been more about Sun, Moon and Meridian. Their story sounds much more fascinating.

The characters are really where this story falls flat. There is a line between strong and arrogant and unfortunately, Mirage is just arrogant. She is a fully unlikable character with very little redeeming factors. Its hard to understand why any of the characters (other than Lullaby) would go out of the way to help her other than the plot require it. Mirage doesn't just think, she requires the world to bend over backwards to fit her.
SpoilerShe even comes out and says it, when its revealed she is the "special one" she straight up says that she wants to create a world for her to live in, to remake the world for her. That is not strength, that is not wanting to change and protect things for others and when she is called out on it she gets lets her full arrogant and cruel self fly. Worse, the character later apologizes just for speaking the truth. No! Double down with all the truth. Who knows, maybe the author is setting up for a big twist that Mirage becomes the villain, corrupted by her arrogance and desire for power. Doubt that will ever happen but damn, would that be good to see an author just go with it.
The rest of the characters just fit into stereotypes, the gay friend, the only being cruel to protect the special one love interest, the older and wiser leader and the villain. There just wasn't enough of the villain for me to want to actively root for their downfall.

Its a well written book but the characters and plot is not enough to redeem this book.