A review by jbeen21
Alpha by Jasinda Wilder


Thank you to the Goodreads First Reads giveaways program for the signed copy of Jasinda Wilder’s erotic novel, Alpha.

After seeing the blurb for this story, I just had to read it. The concept is original, intriguing and full of erotic promise. And though the plot veered pretty far out there in terms of believability, I devoured the first 75% of the book.

Kyrie’s desperate financial situation fueled her willingness to blindly (haha) enter the Manhattan home and, eventually, the bed of her mysterious billionaire benefactor. The sexual tension between Kyrie and mystery man was palpable and exciting; I couldn’t wait for the moment Kyrie first saw her man (hello, Alexander Skarsgard look-a-like), and then later, allowed him to cede some of his power over her.

I don’t want to give too much away in terms of plot, but I predicted the obvious twist early on in the story, so when it was eventually revealed, it was a minor occurrence. Some readers may find the many (many, many) sex scenes to be too frequent, too naughty or simply too repetitive. For me, the sheer quantity of sexual acts numbed any sense of the emotional, loving connection that was supposedly developing between the characters. Overall, Alpha was a quick, initially-enjoyable read about two insatiable blondes whose pasts have aligned them and whose bodies betray their desires for control, and for each other.