A review by heabooknerd
Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh


SLAVE TO SENSATION is one of my all time favorite books and holds a very special place in my heart. It hits all the right buttons for me and just works in every way, no matter how long it's been since I read it last. From the very first time I read this book I've been amazed at the world Nalini Singh has created. It's so unique and interesting and really well developed. I love all the intricacies of the futuristic setting where the three races -- human, changeling, and Psy -- struggle to co-exist.

Part of what makes SLAVE TO SENSATION so good is the richly described characters who you just fall in love with; from the main couple to the side characters, everyone captures your attention. But of course Lucas and Sascha steal the show, it is their book after all. Lucas was strong, cunning, dominant, and possessive, but also sweet and caring. His life hasn't been easy and as the alpha of the DarkRiver pack he has to make hard choices sometimes, but at his heart he's a generous and compassionate man. I loved watching him interact with his packmates and how he cared for each of them. And then when he started to extend that care to Sascha as well...I swooned. Sascha has also had a hard life and she's been mentally and emotionally beaten down to the point that she believes she's a useless Psy with no power. Watching her come out of her shell and find her power, her confidence, and her place in the world was beautiful. I also adored the scenes where she goes head to head with Lucas and stands up for herself or others. She's exactly the kind of mate an alpha needs.

With such lovable characters it's easy to make their romance work but what makes it really special is the intimacy that Singh writes into their relationship. Yes the love and lust and the sex are great but what really grabs me are the little things -- holding hands, whispered words, an arm around the waist, a kiss on the neck. All those quiet moments that make me believe the couple has actually fallen in love and they care about each other outside the bedroom. Singh is a master at this and it always makes me want to sigh in happiness when I read her books.

I can't recommend this series enough to anyone who likes complex world building that grows over a series, big casts of characters, swoony fated mates romance, and growly shifters.

Content Warning: medical manipulation of children to suppress emotions; references to the murder of Dorian's sister; as a teenager Lucas's parents were tortured and killed and Lucas was also tortured; on page grief over the death of parents; mention of side character's sister committing suicide

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Favorite Quotes:

It was then she'd realized that, for the first time in her life, she wanted something else even more than she wanted to belong. If only for a moment, if only for a second, she wanted to be loved.