A review by amberisalwaysreading86
Defenseless Hearts by Meagan Brandy


What a wild ride to being a Hero

Geesh,this book had me all up in my feelings. Parker Baylor loves hard!
I thought I was prepared for Kenra and Parker's story,but the emotional upheaval of their relationship left me reeling. I'll be honest,I absolutely hated Kenra for about 65% of this book. I can't stand stories where the two main characters have the flaw of miscommunication for the entire duration,so that was quite frustrating. My blood pressure probably spiked atleast half a dozen times from the sheer angst contained in just one of their many conversations.
By its conclusion,everything was worked out and settled, so if you enjoyed Fumbled
Hearts, and need the backstory for the follow up book " Say You Swear", then give Defenseless Hearts a read.