A review by lovehollyxx
Cartel by Lili St. Germain


He was nothing. He was everything. He was the only thing I had. ‘You hate me?’ he asked, his voice strained, his pace unrelenting. ‘Yes!’ I cried. ‘I fucking hate you!’ He grinned. ‘One day, you’ll love me. I promise.’ I was afraid that he was right.

Whether you've read the Gypsy Brothers serial or not, Cartel by Lili Saint Germain is a book that you need to read if you like your romance dark and twisted. Having enjoyed the mini-series myself - rating each book between 3 and 4.5 stars - I couldn't wait to get my hands on a younger Dornan Ross, and I could not be happier with what I read.

If you already know of Dornan and his sons, then you know he is most definitely not a good man. He's the worst. But what's important to remember with this novel, is that it's set before all the events we have previously read about. The Dornan in Cartel, isn't the Dornan you knew in Gypsy Brothers. Well, not completely anyway.

I've been describing him as "the man before the monster," and I have to say, though he is twisted, I do have a real thing to him! I know it's crazy, but when you read it yourself, you just might understand. He was sexy, and caring (yes that's right, he once had a heart!!), but still dangerous, and I just loved getting to see how he was back then.

The writing was just fantastic!! I don't know whether it was the help from the publisher, or the fact that the author got to write a full length novel instead instead of instalments, but this book was far better written than her previous works, which as I've already stated, I really enjoyed! I could honestly find no fault at all.

I was drawn in from the beginning, and hooked the entire way through. This is Lili Saint Germain at her absolute strongest. The release of the second book in this series cannot come fast enough; I'm definitely ready for more!!

He was a bad man, the worst there was. But my heart, that treacherous thing inside my chest that sped up whenever he was around? It wanted to betray me. I was falling in love with a monster.

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*