A review by erin_boyington
Smoke by Joe Ide


If I had a fraction of the writing talent that Joe Ide has, I'd be a very happy person. As I was reading this I was marveling at how fun, engaging, and profound his best characters are. In this story we jump from viewpoint to viewpoint, and every single person has their own secret desires (and humiliations) that propel their actions.

For Isaiah, it's his struggle against PTSD. He's left L.A., and it had occurred to me in the previous book how much his superpowers are enhanced by his connection to his neighborhood. Knowing everyone gives him his edge, beyond his big brain. Away from his home, he still has all his usual skills but now no backup to help him accomplish his goals.

The truth of that is even more obvious when you follow Deronda, Grace, and Dodson back in L.A. Deronda is a successful businesswoman, and a stranger rises up to steal his cut. Dodson gets an ultimatum from his wife that leads to an internship at an advertising firm. Grace is being stalked by a man wearing a dog collar. Each handles their problem by relying on their network of friends and allies, as well as by using their own smarts.

I didn't put this down, even when I should have, and I look forward to rereading this entire series someday.

Received a review copy from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.