A review by gillianw
Cited to Death by Meg Perry


This is the kind of murder mystery that's perfect for people who don't like a lot of murder in their mystery. It's murder mystery light, if you will. But never fear; this book is still strong on story and characters and is thoroughly enjoyable.

Reminiscent of Josh Lanyon's Adrien English series, Cited to Death features Jamie Brodie, a commitment-phobic, asthmatic librarian who lives with his brother and girlfriend. Unlike most books featuring amateur sleuths, Jamie has no problem calling in the cavalry when things get weird, which is a pretty bold move when most of the other stories rely on their MC's doing stupid things to move the plot along. I also liked the fact that Jamie's relationship with his 'friend' Pete seems grown up and and real. They're honest with each other, they talk, they try and work things out - it makes for a refreshing change from the jump-to-the-nearest-wrong-conclusion mentality that can be found in too many romance novels. All the sex takes place off the page, but I knew that going in and I didn't really miss it too much. The story is interesting enough without it.

I thought this was a perfect, easy read with an enjoyable plot and great characters. 4 stars