A review by amandagstevens
The Little Sister by Raymond Chandler


If I were rating this on a curve with the other Philip Marlowe books, I'd give it three stars, but since I rate based on my complete reading experience, Chandler isn't likely to get less than four ever. This all became very convoluted, and I was grateful for the moments when Marlowe had to explain an element of the case to the cops because it reminded me of all the threads I was (supposed to be) keeping track of. But Marlowe is still Marlowe, and this case ends with him in as dark a place as ever, and I'm hoping somehow [b:The Long Goodbye|2054|The Long Goodbye (Philip Marlowe, #6)|Raymond Chandler|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388225584s/2054.jpg|998106] will give him something to hope for. (Though given that title, my expectations aren't high.) I love this character, though, regardless of where his author takes him.